Playing History

The newest project here is a children’s book about reenacting/living history. Because it turns out, there are not many ways out there to explain about living history to kids.

“Do you ever pretend that you lived a long time ago? In my family even my mom and dad pretend we have gone back in time.”

Playing History, by Alena Shellenbean

Book Publication Timeline

Spring 2021 – After discovering that there were no books for kids describing historical reenacting, I determined to write one myself.

Spring 2023 – After trying for 2 years to find a regular publisher, I started reaching out to local publishers. Peter E. Randall Publishers has agreed to take on my project.

Fall 2023 – With a publisher lined up, I reached out to an amazing artist friend who enthusiastically joined the project.

Summer 2024 – We await the illustrations. The sketches and ideas I have seen are thrilling!

November 2024 – The plan is to have all illustrations done, and hopefully we will be able to open up for pre-sales when the text and the pictures go off to the publisher.

March 2025 – Publication! We hope to have the book printed by March of next year.